About Us
We are a independent, family-run yoga brand on a mission to promote sustainability and the magic of cork.
Founded in 2018, Cork Space is home to beautiful & sustainable yoga tools that are designed from the ground up to elevate your practice.
From yoga to movement to meditation, Cork Space has helped thousands of yogis across the World feel connected to their daily movement practice with natural grounding materials.
We’re on a mission to shake up the yoga industry with 100% eco alternatives – that look, feel and perform to a completely new standard.
Our Cork Yoga Mats are made from velvety soft cork and flexible tree rubber – a space to relax, recharge and re-energise.

The Cork Space logo features 8 seeds seed pods representing the 8 limbs of yoga - providing a subtle visual cue to remember before or after your practice.
- Yama (attitudes toward our environment)
- Niyama (attitudes toward ourselves)
- Asana (physical postures)
- Pranayama (restraint or expansion of the breath)
- Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses)
- Dharana (concentration)
- Dhyana (meditation)
- Samadhi (complete integration)